Fame at last!

Totally crazy day today, ended up being interviewed by both Channel M and BBC Radio Manchester about waste and recycling on behalf of Manchester Friends of the Earth. It was a bit nerve wracking, especially as the radio interview went out live (Channel M interview goes out tomorrow at 5pm and 9pm I’ve been told), but having listened to the radio one again I think I managed to come across well enough for my first time. Unfortunately the adrenaline rush is still going so I can’t actually get any work done, but I’m sure I’ll calm down in a bit. 🙂

4 thoughts on “Fame at last!

  1. Well done Paul,

    though you are a long way off from fame! Fame is when the local radio station e.g. BBC radio Guernsey phone you up to ask you to come on and they just want a chat!!

  2. I know how you feel! I did an interview for BBC Radio Northampton a few months back, and nothing can quite prepare you for that amount of pressure and nerves!

    Hope it went well, and i’ll catch the Channel M showing if I can!


  3. Surely evidence of television news “dumbing down”?

    Nonsense, I was informing the general public about an important local issue with global implications. Far better than the coverage of Big Brother that all the news channels devoted themselves to for several days. 😛

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