You can blame Kate for this. 🙂 Hopefully my answers won’t involve tickling at Warped on Monday…
1. Reception teacher’s name: Mrs Hunt
2. Last person you kissed: can’t remember
3. Last word you said: Damn
4. Last song you sang: You’ve Got The Music In You—New Radicals
5. Last person you hugged: probably Jennie Bee (although that was more a case of me being a “victim” of her traditional greeting 🙂
6. Last thing you laughed at: Old Digital Aubergine article
7. Last time you said ‘I love you’: Can’t remember
8. What’s in your CD player: I don’t have a CD player, but on my iRiver I have lots of different songs
9. What socks are you wearing: Black ones
10. What’s under your bed: The floor
12. Current taste: Curry!
13. Current hair style: Short and boring, need it cutting though
14. Current clothes: Jeans, t-shirt
15. Current Job: Student / freelance webmaster
16. Current longing: For a pint of Carling
17. Current desktop picture: Don’t have one, I’m a boring git and stick with the default
18. Current worry: Will I pass my degree?
19. Current hate: Scallies. They should all be lined up and shot at dawn.
20. Story behind your username: Not much really, it’s the first letter of my forename (Paul) followed by my surname to produce pwaring.
21. Current favorite article of clothing: My new coat
22. Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: Legs
23. Last CD that you bought: This is really embarrassing but I think it’s probably Best—Greatest Hits of S Club (I know, I know, sad old me)
24. Favorite place to be: In the pub with a comfy chair, nice view and a pint of Carling
25. Least favorite place: Stuck on the bus in the middle of Rusholme
26. Time you wake up in the morning: 7am on weekdays, 10am at weekends (unless I have to be up for something)
27. If you could play any instrument, what would it be?: Electric guitar
28. When was the last time you surprised yourself: Don’t think I ever have really
29. Current favorite word/saying: Muppet/don’t be daft
30. Favorite books: Sci-fi/fantasy novels, technical/computing books
31. Favorite Movies: Anything satirical
32. Favorite Song: Gina G—Ooh, Aah… Just A Little Bit
34. One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: Any of my friends from primary school
35. Favorite day: New Year’s Eve
36. Where do you want to go: The pub!
37. What is your career going to BE: Codemonkey for DSVR if Tom, Jon and Cez have their way or evil scientist for BAE Systems if Juliette can recruit me 🙂
39. What kind of car will you have: Mini cooper
40. Type a line you remember from any book: I can’t remember a specific line off the top of my head
41. A random lyric: “I’m spinning around, move outta my way, I know you’re feeling me cos you like it like this” (Kylie Minogue—Spinning Around)
42. Eye Color: Hazel
43. Hair Color: Dark brown
44. Righty or Lefty: Left handed for writing and spoon holding, right for pretty much everything else
45. Zodiac Sign: Libra—the scales of justice!
47. Your heritage: Lancashire born, Lancashire bred , proper Northerner
48. The shoes you wore today: Only wore slippers from Marks and Spencers today
49. Your hair: Eh, I’m sure this has been asked already!
50. Your weakness: Alcohol
51. Your fears: Being unemployed
52. One thing you’d like to achieve: Power
53. Your most recent secret: Heh, that would be telling!
54. Your thoughts first waking up: “Must… have… coffee…”
55. The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Eyes
56. Your bedtime: 11:00pm-2:00am
57. Your most missed companion: Andy or Peg
58. Your perfect pizza: Cheese and tomato (yes I’m boring)
59. Sweet and Chewy or Salty and Crunchy: I have no idea
60. Single or group dates: Either
61. Dogs or Cats: Cats, although I’m allergic 🙁
62. Lipton Iced Tea or Nestea: Not a big tea drinker
63. Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate!
64. Cappuccino or Drip: Cappuccino
65. Smoke: No
66. Curse: Yes, but I try not to and never do on my blog
67. Sing: Well I call it singing but most people would disagree with me 🙂
68. Take a shower everyday: yes
69. Have a crush: Maybe… 😛
71. Think you’ve been in love: No
72. Want to go to college: Been there, done that, got the t-shirt (and A level certificates)
73. Want more than what you’ve got: Who doesn’t?
74. Want to get married: I can’t see me finding anyone I’d want to marry and who would feel the same way about me
75. Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: No, but I can touch type without looking
76. Think you’re attractive: Hahaha… not a chance
77. Think you’re a health freak: No
78. Get along with your parents: most of the time
79. Play an instrument: No—I can’t even read music
IN THE PAST 3 months:
80. Drink: Carling
81. Smoke: No
82. Done a drug: Hell no
84. Eaten an entire box of Oreos: No idea what they are, blasted American-biased quizzes
85. Eaten sushi: No
87. Been dumped: No (I’d be quite surprised if I had been 🙂
88. Made homemade cookies: Not made them, but eaten the brownies Ed made and the cookies my sisters made
89. Been in love: This is me we’re talking about… (in other words no 🙂
90. Gone skinny dipping: No
91. Dyed your hair: No, because I would look even more of a muppet. Have contemplated it in the past though.
92. Stolen anything: I can’t steal.
93. Had too much to drink: Yes
94. Been caught cheating: Never cheated on anyone
95. Been called a tease: I sincerely hope not 🙂
96. Gotten beaten up: At some point at high school probably
97. Changed who you were to fit in: No. I am who I am and if you don’t like that then it’s your problem. I don’t intentionally change for anyone.
98. Cried at something beautiful: No
99. Spent too much money on something you didn’t need: No, I’m too sensible with money 🙁
100. Cried when someone died: No, although I know that makes me sound like a heartless git
101. Been so angry you cried: No
101. Lied for attention: No
103. My name is: Paul
104. Height: 5’5” (or thereabouts)
105. Favorite toe: ?!
106. In the morning I am: In desperate need of coffee
107. All I need is: A pint, a comfy chair, a nice view and a laptop with an internet connection 🙂
108. Love is: Only true in fairy tales, meant for someone else, but not for me.
109. If I could see one person right now who would it be: Kylie Minogue… mmm
110. Shoe size: 7
Typical! I get blamed for everything!
>23. Last CD that you bought: This is really embarrassing but I think it’s probably Best—Greatest Hits of S Club (I know, I know, sad old me)
That does make me laugh, but I’m tempted to ask to borrow it 😛 I used to bartend to that stuff.
>24. Favorite place to be: In the pub with a comfy chair, nice view …
Should we ask what her name is?
>29. Current favorite word/saying: Muppet/don’t be daft
Don’t use Muppet around Jon! He’ll tell you a story with a different definition and you’ll never be able to use it again! The git
Not so—I refer you to the infamous Crisp Packet Spaceship Incident at the Oxford as evidence contrary to that statement. 🙂
Oh dear, I know I’ve hit a new low when girls are asking to borrow my CD collection. 😉
By nice view I meant being able to see all over the countryside or something, not some attractive lady. 😛
Its called You Get What You Give
So it is, I wonder why I have it down as You’ve Got The Music In You on my iRiver then—CDDB must have had the song title wrong when I ripped it from my CDs. 🙁
BTW, you can quote by using the standard HTML for quoting, which is to enclose everything between
<blockquote>quote this</blockquote>
tags. I’ve added some CSS which makes it indent a bit more than usual and puts the large quote mark in—that’s not the standard. 🙂I’m bored so thought I’d do it too.
1. Reception teacher’s name: mrs Lomax
2. Last person you kissed: Some random bird in L’pool.
3. Last word you said: Cheers.
4. Last song you sang: I think it was the chours of a Phil Collins song.
5. Last person you hugged: My dad. (T’was his b’day yesterday.)
6. Last thing you laughed at: The spongebob squarepants game I’ve just bought my cousin.
7. Last time you said ‘I love you’: I was very drunk with a mate in matthew’s street but that was a love between mates not a love between partners.
8. What’s in your CD player: Kings of Leon.
9. What socks are you wearing: Totes toasties
10. What’s under your bed: suit case.
12. Current taste: Wiltshire Ham.
13. Current hair style: Spiky but needs cutting so will soon be shorter and spiky.
14. Current clothes: Jeans, t-shirt
15. Current Job: Student
16. Current longing: don’t have one.
17. Current desktop picture: Alien vs predator!
18. Current worry: Will I read my books I have to read?
19. Current hate: Michael Jackson.
20. Story behind your username: It’s a tale going back over 2 decades…… May mum gave it me when I was born.
21. Current favorite article of clothing: Don’t have one. Possibly my Italy football shirt I bought in Rome.
22. Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: eyes
23. Last CD that you bought: Linkin Park/Jay Z
24. Favorite place to be: Bed.
25. Least favorite place: On a bus in rush hour with kids running around screaming.
26. Time you wake up in the morning: either 8 am or 11 am depending on what’s going on.
27. If you could play any instrument, what would it be?: guitar
28. When was the last time you surprised yourself: I’m always surprised at how great I am!
29. Current favorite word/saying: Muppet/been up to anything windswept and interesting?
30. Favorite books: Not the reading type.
31. Favorite Movies: Alien films.
32. Favorite Song: Across the Universe by The Beatles.
34. One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: (alive)Mr Poulton, (past away) my Gran.
35. Favorite day: Christmas Day.
36. Where do you want to go: Egypt!
37. What is your career going to BE: A larger than life living legend in the world of theology.
39. What kind of car will you have: One that works would be a start. A BMW would be good.
40. Type a line you remember from any book: I don’t tend to read.
41. A random lyric: “Pray that there’s inteligent life somewhere up in space cos there’s bugger all down here on earth.” (Monty Python, Galaxy Song)
42. Eye Color: Green or gray. Not sure.
43. Hair Color: Dark brown
44. Righty or Lefty: Right
45. Zodiac Sign: Capricorn.

47. Your heritage: Mum’s Scouse, Dad’s from Nottingham, I’m a Bury lad though.
48. The shoes you wore today: New trainies. Got them from JJB. Should be £80 got them for £50 in the sale. Get in
49. Your hair: Spiky, needs cutting.
50. Your weakness: Spelling
51. Your fears: The future. Not being successful and living up to the expectations I have in my life.
52. One thing you’d like to achieve: A place in history.
53. Your most recent secret: Something I’ve learnt. If you don’t want everyone to know don’t tell anyone.
54. Your thoughts first waking up: What time is it?
55. The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Eyes
56. Your bedtime: go to bed around 11. Get to sleep at around 2.
57. Your most missed companion: john, matt, miles… quite a few.
58. Your perfect pizza: MEAT
59. Sweet and Chewy or Salty and Crunchy: depends what it is…
60. Single or group dates: single
61. Dogs or Cats: Dogs
62. Lipton Iced Tea or Nestea: don’t drink tea
63. Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
64. Cappuccino or Drip: neither
65. Smoke: No
66. Curse: Only with style.
67. Sing: yeah
68. Take a shower everyday: yes
69. Have a crush: yes
71. Think you’ve been in love: yeah
72. Want to go to college: done
73. Want more than what youve got: wouldn’t say no.
74. Want to get married: Chirst, I need a girlfriend first!
75. Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: no but I am fast.
76. Think you’re attractive: Hell yeah! (only messin’)
77. Think youre a health freak: Hell no! (that was serious.)
78. Get along with your parents: Yeah.
79. Play an instrument: No
IN THE PAST 3 months:
80. Drink: beer, sprite, pepsi max.
81. Smoke: never have
82. Done a drug: never have
84. Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no
85. Eaten sushi: No
87. Been dumped: No
88. Made homemade cookies: no. I don’t eat them so why make them?
89. Been in love: No. ust a ‘crush’.
90. Gone skinny dipping: No
91. Dyed your hair: In december I put blond and red streeks in my hair. It looked cool. Expensive though.
92. Stolen anything: no.
93. Had too much to drink: Yes
94. Been caught cheating: Never cheated on anyone
95. Been called a tease: I think so. I was drunk at the time so can’t really remember.
96. Gotten beaten up: tended to walk away.
97. Changed who you were to fit in: I’ve changed as a person over the years but for me not for others.
98. Cried at something beautiful: No
99. Spent too much money on something you didnt need: If you mean computer games or something like that then yeah. Or music. I go stupid with albums at times.
100. Cried when someone died: yeah.
101. Been so angry you cried: No
101. Lied for attention: I don’t know. I don’t think so…
103. My name is: Pete
104. Height: 6’1 or 3. Can’t remember.
105. Favorite toe: Don’t have one.
106. In the morning I am: Tired.
107. All I need is: Oxygen, food, drink, shelter, family, friends, money and music.
108. Love is: real. real is love. (John Lennon song.)
109. If I could see one person right now who would it be: Lucy Liu
110. Shoe size: either 10, 11, or 12 depending on the shoe.
No way are you 6’3 Pete, hehe 🙂
I asked my mam n dad and they said I’b be around 6 foot 5. I’m really not sure how tall I am. Pity I don’t have a ruler long enough.
You are quite tall, but then everyone looks tall from where I’m standing. 🙁
I don’t think you’re 6’5” though, that is seriously tall, probably more like 6’3”.
Yeah. I think tay is prob 6’5” which would make me about 6’3”.
I need a ruler though. I’ll have to find some way to do it. Hmmm……
Taylor towers over everyone, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was that tall. Then there’s poor little me a foot further down, the last one to know when it rains. 🙂
And the first one to smell the fart! 🙂
I’m 6’4” if that helps you get a bearing Paul… 🙂