Last night I headed off to the AMC in Manchester to see Constantine with Cez, Jon and Lucy. As we were going up to the second floor, we also bumped into Chris T, who I don’t usually see more than once in a blue moon. Upon entering the screen, I was a tad annoyed to see that the trailers/adverts were all almost exactly the same and in the same order as the ones I saw on Friday, with the exception of the Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy which I would have liked to see again.
I wasn’t expecting a huge amount from the film, and to be fair I wasn’t that disappointed. Fortunately, I haven’t read the comics before (apparently if you have the film is a real let down) so I wasn’t sat there shouting “that’s not what’s supposed to happen!” like I was in parts of Spiderman the first time I saw it. Keanu Reeves looked a bit typecast though. Overall it was a bit of a laugh and something worth going out to see, but I won’t be dashing back for a repeat screening anytime soon.
After the cinema everyone bar Chris headed down to the Salisbury for a couple of pints. There weren’t many seats available, but we managed to grab a table next to a group of people when I instantly thought “that girl is going to come over and ask me how old I am in the next ten minutes”. Sure enough, before I’d even got through a few sips of beer I was grabbed by the shoulder and asked how old I was, when my birthday was etc. I seem to have the same talent for this as Kate does for attracting stalkers. 🙂
This random girl then proceeded to tell us almost every bad joke that has ever been written, making me wonder whether she works for the people who make Christmas Crackers. Cez was also informed that he looks like Dougal out of the Magic Roundabout, which was rather amusing.
All in all it was a good laugh, from the film through to the pub.
I thought the film was alright. It wasn’t anything too special just bizzare. i didn’t know it was a comic.
I was watching it from a theological pont of view so it just seemed a bit too daft and unrealistic. I prob read too much into it.
It’s a film that’s goo to watch but don’t bother to buy.
I know what you mean about attracting wierdos. I had a woman talking to me for about 10 mins in asda about youth culture and punks etc.
I think it’s cos we seem to be such generally nice people that we would care what they’re on about…. they should think again.
Well, if you watched it from a theological point of view I can see you being a bit disappointed. They did tend to skip around a lot of the detail, and it was a bit dodgy in that area. Still, it was a good film.
The girl who came over to us wasn’t weird per se, it just seemed unusual because most people wouldn’t dream of going over and starting a conversation in a pub unless they were offering to buy someone a drink and/or knew them already. I do seem to attract them more than most though, mainly them asking how old I am which is strange because the bar staff never seem to care…
That reminds me! (I don’t know what part of your post reminded me not never the less)

I was watching a program last night about Robert Louie Stephenson. It was an interesting watch. Low and behold whent they were talking about a book of his about some scottish guy doing something supposedly heroic there was a little guy who looked like a ‘Robin’ character.
The actor who played this stooge looked the spitting image of YOU
Wow – sounds like you had big fun – AMC cinema – tis a bit too big n shiny fer me I’m afraid.
Oh I miss the Salisbury – with its over priced beer and biker clientele…but Cez as Dougal – heehee
Incidentally – loved your come back to the person who took the piss outta Bryan Adams – there were some really well thought out comments there and I’m impressed you didn’t lose it (I would have)!
Ah – everyone to their own opinion n all that.
And I will get you in pink AND dancing (even if not playing along) – tis my new campaign…
BTW I’ve signed up to the Naked Bike Ride…there’s one in Manc if you’re interested (11th June)
Nah, I’m just used to dealing with foaming at the mouth lefties – educationet has given me plenty of experience in that field. Besides, I can be patient when I want to be.
ROFL. Good luck with that, you’re going to need it. 🙂 (either luck or copious amounts of free alcohol).
Somehow I don’t think I’ll be there. Bike ride, yes (haven’t been cycling in ages, could really do with the exercise), streaking around Manchester however is not on my list of 100 things to do before I’m 30. 🙂
Ah hacknet how I miss thee…NOT!
11th June eh… puts a note in his diary
Like your Make Poverty History banner…:D
You’re sooo not a Tory 😉
And I’ll see Haslam on a bike in two months time
Oh I’ll be watching from the sidelines with a video camera
Damn you for not allowing < > tags, waring.
My above post contained a < / perv > line, to clarify i was joking.
But seriously I’ll be there with a cam.
Erm, I do allow < and > tags, but they’ll be parsed by your browser and therefore when it sees it’ll think that’s closing a previously opened tag and therefore won’t display anything (since perv isn’t a valid tag).
If you want to display < and >, you have to use their HTML entities, < and > respectively.
Gah, stupid Textile (the formatting system I use) automatically turns entities into their “correct” formats. I’ll have to have a look at fixing this today.