Apparently I’m responsible for it not going through! 🙂
Pub site progress II
Work on my pub site is coming along faster than I had expected, slowed down only by my need to concentrate on my Open University course. So far I have all the data required to add a handful of pubs, though I still need to buy a new digital camera so that I can go […]
Computer books clear out
Continuing my general spring clean clear out, I have the following computer books (all in excellent condition) which I no longer need and are free to a good home: DHTML Utopia: Modern Web Design Using JavaScript & Dom (SitePoint) Professional Search Engine Optimization with PHP (Wrox) Texinfo (Free Software Foundation) SEO Warrior (O’Reilly) The Art […]
Free stuff giveaway clearout
I’m having an early spring clean at my flat in an attempt to free up space so that I can fit everything on my bookcase and see the floor for once. The following items are currently earmarked for good homes: Stargate SG-1 seasons 1-5 (boxed sets). Various Doctor Who videos, including Dalek and Cybermen boxed […]
Pub site progress
Thanks to Kirk, I now have a rough idea of the equipment I need to work on my pub site—in short it seems that buying a new digital camera and using my existing GPS logger and then syncronising the two will suffice. I’ve also registered the relevant domains (one with a short URL for redirects) […]
GPS, camera and notebook gadget help
For one of the sites I’m going to be working on I need a gadget which can perform the following tasks: Take photos. Log the GPS coordinates of the photo automatically, either as part of the meta-data associated with the photo or in a separate file. Make notes about the photo, e.g. ‘this is the […]
Where to from here?
Now that my thesis corrections have been accepted I am looking for the next challenge, though I’m struggling to find an area to focus on. My main interests seem to be politics, business (which includes finance and insurance) and law. I’m not as interested as I used to be in computing—I now see IT in […]
Goals for 2010
Lucy’s LJ post reminded me that I hadn’t posted this yet. I’ve been thinking about what I want to achieve in 2010 for the last few weeks, now that my general situation is stable—as opposed to previous years where I have been flipping between courses, jobs etc. So, my goals for 2010 in no particular […]
Happy New Year
The wonders of WordPress enable me to post this without necessarily being up at midnight. 🙂
Merry Christmas
Quick thoughts from today: I now have every James Bond film on DVD, thanks to my sister. Doctor Who was awful—if you haven’t watched it yet it’s probably not worth the trouble. Purchasing the majority of presents for yourself from other people online and then getting your mum to wrap them immensely improves the whole […]